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Sibilla Ponzoni

Sibilla Ponzoni: Head of Marketing and Communications | Teavaro

Depreciation of 3rd party cookies concept with digital transformation and data security represented by a broken cookie.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, Google’s decision to cancel the depreciation of third-party cookies has sent ripples through the industry. Initially planned to enhance user privacy by blocking third-party cookies, Google’s announcement has given marketers and advertisers a temporary reprieve.

However, the emphasis on user privacy and compliance with stringent privacy regulations means that reliance on third-party cookies will inevitably wane. As browsers like Firefox and Safari phase out third-party cookies, marketers must adjust their strategies and tools.

This blog explores the implications of Google’s reversal and highlights the importance of a robust first-party data strategy. As major web browsers enhance tracking protection and privacy laws tighten, understanding first-party data collection and its strategic implementation is essential. We will examine the benefits of first-party data, its impact on customer behaviour, and how businesses can adapt their martech strategies to thrive in a post-third-party cookie world.

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Digital interface showing data and user profile icons, representing Teavaro's focus on data connectivity and user privacy in digital marketing.

As the digital landscape evolves, the cookieless future is rapidly becoming a reality that marketers must address. This shift is significantly impacting the digital marketing world, necessitating that companies adapt their advertising strategies. With third-party cookies on the brink of extinction due to increasing privacy concerns and stringent regulations like GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act, the way businesses track and engage with customers online is set to change dramatically. This transition presents both challenges and opportunities, requiring innovative approaches to data collection and personalised marketing.

In this blog, we will explore what the cookieless future holds for digital marketing, including the driving forces behind this shift, its impact on current practices, and strategies to adapt successfully. We will delve into the current role of cookies in digital marketing, the challenges and opportunities presented by the cookieless world, and practical steps for marketers to prepare. By understanding and preparing for these changes, marketers can continue to deliver effective and compliant campaigns in a privacy-centric world.

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Why First Party data are now more relevant than ever

The evolution of data in digital marketing

In today's digital age, data reigns supreme. Businesses of all sizes rely on data to drive decision-making, personalise customer experiences, and enhance marketing strategies. Do you know the return of your marketing investment may have when you perfectly know your customer?

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